It has been quite a month for custom work here at the shop! Today I tallied up the pages....146 pages for three different clients. So much fun! Although, I definitely got to a point this last week where I was certain I had lost my ability to cut a straight line. Unfortunately due to scrapbooker/client privilege I can't show you much of my work, but with permission, here are a few samples.

If you follow me on facebook you'll know that I promised you some speed scrapper tips after the 50 pages I power laid out for a friend. This was a really unique experience for me becuase I focused on the base of the layouts rather than the photos or the finishing touches. So here was my process....
1) Pick gorgeous papers and a matching solid
2) Identify your base paper (usually for me it was the solid paper)
3) Layer the other sheets in easy patterns...blocks, sqaures, sidebar borders etc.
4) Focus on texture...ripping the edges of the paper is my favorite "new" technique. Of course, inking is also a must and everything looks better popped up with foam tape.
5) Finish with ribbon, brads or a handmade embellishment. Of course, this step can wait until you are ready to add your photos.

The trick to this being speed scrapbooking is to turn off the overly analytical part of your brain. I know....gasp...I am asking you to not be critical of your own work and to relax. First of all, the companies have done a fantastic job of pairing papers that match, so let them do the work for you. Secondly, don't worry about your layouts all looking the same, because they won't. Once you have added your photos and other embellishments they will take on a life of their own. Some of the layouts can even be flipped and used with a different orientation, making them stand out from crowd. So have a blast....and just tear through it...pun intended.
So my first project was great inspiration for my second project, an ancestry album for a graduation present. This family spent hours and hours collecting stories, memories and interviews with relatives as well as scanning family photos. Such a labor of LOVE and a terrific reminder to make this happen; to tell your family story! So here are some snaps of that project!

So I can't show you my last project, but here I am hand delivering it today. Although this project was a lot simpler in style with very few patterned papers and embellishements, I was reminded that simple is still super classy! Everything was double matted with solid cardstock and mounted with foam tape. Clean lines and basic layouts are still the way to go when you want a stunning presentation!

Have fun!