So while this blog is mostly about creative project ideas and events at the shop, sometimes I like to reminisce about life as a store owner, small businsess adventures and other life stories. I hope you don't mind.
It's been about a year since I started out on this journey. The Crop Circle (where I was working) closed at the end of January '08, and soon after that all the pieces fell into place to open a shop of my own. 6 weeks later, here I was opening up the door and learning on the fly! Truly it has been a marathon. So while my official anniversary isn't until March, right around now is an anniversary of the birth of the dream.
It's been a terrific year and I can truly say I don't regret one moment of it! With 18 scrapbook stores closing last year I am truly thankful to enter my 2nd year of business and continue to serve you.
So where do candles enter in? I'll explain. This weekend, I took time to clean my apartment, go through piles of paper and in general just "deal" with things. Then I did something I haven't done in a long time. I lit a candle, sat down and just enjoyed my apartment and life in general. You see, I've been feeling like all I do is come home, eat, sleep and come back to the shop on this never ending hamster wheel. But lighting the candle, as simple as it was, indicated to me that things are settling down and I'm getting used to the new rythmn. It was a time out. And it was so relaxing...a simple little candle!
In all of our journeys and stresses, I hope you take time to light your own candle, whatever that may be.
Thanks for partnering with me & this store!